
Life of Imam Hussain (A) - In Brief
Imam Husain, the third Imam was born on 3r'd of Shaban, 4 A.H. in Medina. On his birth, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) prophesied that the faith of Islam would be rescued by his second grandson Husain (A). Yazid was known for his...

Peace amongst members of the movement
The month of Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar year. An important and tragic event took place on the tenth of Muharram that shook the Muslim world. It was the murder of Imam Husain (A.S.), his family members, and his close...

The Role of Women in Karbala
﴾Whoever works evil will not be requited but by the like thereof, and whoever works a righteous deed whether man or woman and is a believer such will enter Paradise , therein will they have abundance without measure.﴿ 40:40 WHY...

Martyrdom day of Imam Hussain (AS) commemorated
Muslims around the world on November 13 commemorated the Martyrdom of the Great Imam Hussain [Peace of Allah be upon him]. (Photo: Imam Hussain grave, Karbala) In the Arabic calendar, the 10 th of Muharam marked the brutal killing...

The Significance of Imam Husain’s Martyrdom
We owe it to our children and youth born and being raised around the world, that we tell them the story of one of the greatest sacrifices in the history of mankind and the lessons learned from it. Muhurram, the first month of the...

On Muharram, Shias revive the killing of Imam Hussein bin Ali
Muharram is a day of remembrance, especially for Shias as they mourn the death of Imam Hussein bin Ali. Muslims flagellate themselves on this day, reminding themselves of the sufferings the Imam went through. Muharram is...

Imam Husain's Sermon on the Day of Ashura
"Now then! Consider my family, and ponder as to who I am and then admonish yourselves. Then do you consider that killing me and plundering my sanctity and respect is lawful for you? Am I not the grandson of your Prophet...

Ashura: The timeless message of Imam Hussein (AS)
“This movement of mine is not on account of stubbornness, rebellion, worldly passions or instigation by Satan. It is also not my object to create trouble or to oppress anyone. The only thing which invites me to this great movement is that I...

The Uncles of al Abbas bin Ali (a.s)
Uncles: Like fathers, uncles play a good role in the structure of personalities. According to the law of heredity, individuals may acquire some characteristics from their paternal uncles. The paternal uncles of...

Day of Ashura and its tragedy
Day of Ashura; the tenth of Muharram, was unique in its tragedies, misfortunes, and disasters. On that day, the Ahlul Bayt had to suffer the ever most horrible adversity of this world. Hence, it is certainly the day of grief....