Badilisha Lugha: Swahili


Chapter 2: Historical Background

One has to look beyond the canvas of the battlefield itself, into the early days of Islam, in order to understand the cause and the facts and circumstances, which led Imam Husayn (a.s.) to face an enormous army at Karbala and the reason and...


The battle at Karbala is a well-known tragedy in the human history. It is not fiction or legend, but a historical fact, chronicled by several historians who were present in the battlefield, of whom Abu Makhnaf an independent reporter and Hamid...

Reconciling Oneself

The fifth point the Imam hinted at in his call is to reconcile oneself to difficulties ( al-tawtin ) which is also indispensable in this arduous journey. To offer lives and blood for God's sake, as Husayn (as) calls for, is no easy task. In the...


The phrase ‘…having made up his mind to meet God’ denotes sincerity. Here the Imam (as) points to two other issues in his call, sincerity and mental preparation, which constitute the fourth and fifth points. Both issues are necessary for the...

'For Our Sake'

This is the third issue in Husayn's mission. Firstly, he wanted the people to sacrifice their lives. Secondly, he requested that this sacrifice should be voluntary, it should be consciously made and as an offering. Thirdly, he requested that...

'Who Will Sacrifice?

This question asks the people to offer their lives and blood consciously and by choice.He did not want it to be a sort of extortion nor was he the type who would deceive the people into laying down their lives and blood. Husayn (as) insisted on...

Listen! Anyone Who Will Sacrifice His Life For Our Sake

Husayn (as) does not request wealth, leadership, power or any worldly interests from the people; nor does he invite them to join him in order to attain victory or power, or to overthrow another power. He calls on them to sacrifice their lives and...

The First Speech of Imam Husayn's (as) Uprising

In Mecca, on the night before he left, Imam Husayn (as) addressed a gathering of Muslims where he informed them that he was about to die. He also appealed for their support and invited them to join him in his revolt against the Umayyad...

Heroic Manifestations of Ashura

Ayatullah Abdullah Jawadi Amuli Translated by Mohammad Reza Farajian Abstract Imam Husayn's refusal to accept the tyrant Yazid's allegiance triggered the Battle of Karbala on the Day of Ashura. Imam Husayn, grandson of Prophet Muhammad,...

The Fast of 'Ashura

Some traditions are found in Sunni books to the effect that the Prophet (s.a.w.) on migrating to Medina found the Jews fasting on the 10th of Muharram. He asked them why, and was told: “It is an auspicious day; it is the day when God delivered...

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